Join Iron Lore
How to Become a Member
Membership at Iron Lore Gym is by invitation only. If you’re interested in joining, please submit the application form.
Membership Options
- Regular Monthly Membership
- Price: $125/month
- Commitment: Minimum of three months
- Cancellation Policy: After the initial three-month period, members can cancel anytime.
**Couples Membership Rate: Add your spouse for an additional $60/month, making the total monthly membership only $185 plus GST for the two of you.**
- Day/Week Pass Membership
- Initiation/Setup Fee: $100 (includes keyfob)
- Pass Options:
- Day Pass: $30 (valid for one day)
- Week Pass: $100 (valid for one week)
- Payment: E-transfer to activate the keyfob as needed.
At Iron Lore, we value our members’ commitment, and these policies ensure a positive experience for everyone.
- Step 1: Complete and submit the application form.
- Step 2: We will review your application form.
- Step 3: We will invite you to come for a free workout so we can meet you in person.
- Step 4: If we feel you will be a good fit, we will invite you to complete our automated payments form for pre-authorized debit.
- Step 5: Once we receive the completed forms, we will provide you with a new keyfob that will give you 24/7 access to our private gym.